Develop a Plan, Take Action, Then Repeat = "The Process."

We offer a variety of tax preparation, advisory, and tax debt relief services in order to accommodate your requirements. We manage and establish your bottom line so that you can concentrate on what you do best: expanding your brand and succeeding professionally.
We are intimately familiar with the arduous procedures required to establish a scalable and stable enterprise. We are fully prepared and outfitted to help you with your inquiry regarding the products and services that we offer. Every individual and every Alliance Partner maintains an up-to-date understanding of the areas in which tax laws and codes, economic statistics, accounting, business, banking, and credit economics, as well as strategic investment methods that affect the financial well-being of businesses and individual taxpayers. Our purpose is to ensure that our clients, customers, and prospective consumers are in a position to receive every tax advantage and benefit to which they are legally entitled as "WORKING CLASS PEOPLE" through a comprehensive analysis.
Here is what we can do for you:
When customers want excellent product knowledge, professional help and quality customer satisfaction they come to us!
Tax Preparation
1040, 1040X, 1099 Misc/NEC, Sch. A, B, C, D, E & F, 1120/1120S, 1065, 990/990EZ, Bitcoin & Crypto Currency reporting, 1041 Simple and or Complex Trust
We provide Advisory Services for your personal & small business needs in order to leverage tax debt and Scale Overhead Expenses & Increase Proits.
Fed. & State Tax Relief
Delinquent Notices etc.
• Ongoing indepth overviews on tax-structuring to position you for Homeownership, Real Estate Acquisition & Business Loan Funding
• FREE 1040X: recapture all entitled refund money & neutralize any federal and or state tax-debt ($530 Value)
• Tax Advisory & Ongoing Tax Strategy Consulting
• Recordkeeping Advisory: Qtly. Profit & Loss Benchmark Overviews
• Tax Tips, Newsletters & Updates on how to pay little to NO TAXES
• Tax Advocating: Certified/Delinquent Letters, Audit & Levy Notices
(NOTE: w/o Subscription to consult charges are: $75 for 15-mins/$150 for 30-mins/$300 for 1-hr)
SIGN-UP COST $395.95 (Click here to get started)
matter without permission from Attentive Ventures, Inc. d/b/a YourTaxPro247. We are a nationwide trademarked company. Product name, logo, brands, slogans, dialects and other
alliance partners therein. Any and all channels (Social Media, Websites, Podcasts etc.) will be heavily monitored for the copyright protection of YourTaxPro247.
LLC's and INC's (S-Corp) Est.

Wage Earner Tax-Savings

Refer 5 People $300